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I'm Aymen Ammari. I'm an Econometrician-Statistician at EM Strasbourg Business School. I'm a PhD in Corporate Finance since 2017. I have extensive experience in academic research and consulting projects including with the UNDP.
I’ve been the “data/stat guy” for research projects that range from economics & corporate Finance to the analysis of online user behavior. My role has been to design the proper research settings, collect a large amount of valid measurements, run the most adequate model (Model specification), arrange the results of the used software (Stata, SPSS, MATLAB, R) in tables as they are typically presented in journal articles and figure out what it all means. Typically, I’m the first person on the project to learn about new findings while interpreting the results of the statistical analysis.
I love statistics and analyzing data! I’ve been performing statistical analysis for 10 years and helping academic researchers learn statistics for over five years at universities and business schools. I love talking and writing about statistics.
From my experience, I learned how to present statistics in a manner that makes statistics more intuitive. I helped people use different softwares (Stata, Matlab, R) to gain insights and maximize the value of their own data regardless of their field.
Just like there were many wrong ways for Columbus to use his tools, things can go awry with statistical analyses. I’m going to teach you how to use the tools correctly, to draw the proper conclusions, and to recognize the conclusions that should make you wary!
You’ll be increasingly thankful for these tools when you see a worksheet filled with numbers and you’re responsible for telling everyone what it all means.




Corporate Governance

Business Finance

Risk Management

Accounting and Auditing

2012 - 2017

PhD in Finance

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